A little about me

I'm just a Small town girl with a fancy camera

Well, let's start with the basics: I'm Aaron (Yes, I know that is a boys name, Nope, I'm not a boy. But hey it could have been worse...My brother's name is Earle. I got off easy. LOL), I'm in my 30's, I'm a mother of two, I'm gonna be a photographer when I grow up! Okay, whew, got that covered, let's move on to the good stuff! I love to make others laugh. I make puns, and the kind of jokes that are so-bad-they’re-good. Well, my children don't think so but... they're good trust me. I love Starbucks & fuzzy socks. (If that’s not class, I’m not sure what is)

My favorite part about this job is YOU! I am beyond blessed to be given the opportunity to capture moments in people’s lives, hear stories, witness love stories unfold, and watch kids grow up, it is such a gift to call this my job! And the trust that you gift me is a priceless gift.


Well, it all started with an old film camera. In high school, I took photography as an elective and it spoke to my heart. In that dark room I developed more than just film, I developed my soul. But I did what most people do after school...I got a job. I fell into the medical field. There my love of people and caring heart fit right in. I really did enjoy it. It is definitely hard work but there is so much value and reward in caring for others. My love of people and learning the stories of others even led me to study Sociology for my undergrad degree. I continued to do photography on the side for family and friends. But something was still missing.


At the beginning of 2020, I was laid off. It was at that moment a light bulb came on. In the words of the very wise Dolly Parton, I had got so busy making a living that I forget to make a life! I was putting my dreams on the back burning all while raising my children to "pursue their dreams" and "be anything they want when they grow up" all while I wasn't following my own advice. So I finally connected the dots and realized that photography could be my career! So I did what any sane person would do...I dove headfirst into the world of full-time photography! I’m so happy to start this new journey in my life and I hope you will join me. Hop in! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

"My approach is simple:
Look for what matters and forget the rest."


Personal Branding Photography, Headshots, Branding Photography

I recently had a branding session at home with Aaron and it went amazing! She provided opportunity for multiple outfit changes, made sure items or myself were positioned perfectly and really just carried herself in a friendly/caring/supporting way. Getting photos done is usually awkward or nerve racking. Most people don’t feel confident in front of the camera and she understood that and made sure the session turned out perfectly!

Brandy Francois

Family Photography, Children Photographer, Oroville Photographer

"She is amazing! She has done our family pictures multiple times and is always patient when my kids have meltdowns. She is also great with big shoots. Some of my shoots have had more than 20 people of all ages!"

Wyman Family

Family Photography, Children Photographer, Oroville Photographer

"Aaron did an amazing job with our family session. She is great at getting my boys laughing. She even got my teenager to smile!"

Davis Family