We’re getting family pictures done! 

Your family's favorite words right? NOT! If your house is anything like mine you will be serenaded with harmonious moans and eye-rolling. I mean they really make you feel the love. Once you have come down from the overwhelming high of their excitement and eagerness, Now what?

It's time to start panning! No, but seriously as parents, we know how fast our children are growing and the importance of documenting this journey called life. But most of us struggle getting our herds of drama llamas to participate. Well, I am here to share a few tips and tricks and help skip the drama, Mama! I want you to be relaxed and prepared all at the same time. Remember your goal for pictures is to have a personal representation of your family, not a fake picture with painfully perfect smiles.

Make it Personal, Not Perfect!

Here are my top 7 tips:

1.) Find the outfits you want everyone to wear and let’s be honest, we’re busy! I find the easiest time to do this is the day of or after you book your session. This way it is fresh on your mind. Set them aside somewhere safe (or at least try). Then try them on a week ahead of time to ensure everything still fits comfortably and that you didn’t miss any stains or holes that you couldn’t see until they were being worn. 

2.) After you have your family try on their photo attire, make sure it is clean and pressed (not wrinkly) and ready for the big day. Put the clothes together (sorted by person) and place them somewhere free from harm, dirt, and children. Be sure to tell everyone that these are picture clothes and not to be worn until picture day. Then pray to the picture Gods that they stay where you put them. Don’t forget to think about shoes, jewelry, belts, and other accessories.

3.) About three to four days prior to the session, start talking with your partner and kids about the session and what will happen, and how they should behave. If you plan to use a bribe, now is a good time to set that in place (I am not beyond bribery and have been known to carry sweets in my camera bag). Continue to talk to your children daily to prepare them for the session. Make it sound like an adventure. Something that will be fun. Of course, if you have a teenager...maybe an animal sacrifice? OK, so obviously that isn’t an option and doesn’t work (unless you know otherwise and then I’m listening).

4.) Two days prior to the session, pack a bag of everything you will need on picture day – snacks, props, bribery, etc. and put it somewhere you can grab it and go (My trunk is my fav! Plus it saves me time on the day of!). Be sure to include wipes in case things get messy, an extra hairbrush, and other “emergency” items, such as bobby pins, diapers, a spare shirt for the messy kid, and backup lipstick.

5.) On the day of the session, make sure everyone is well fed, but not overfed. We don’t want sick little tummies from overeating, but we don’t want anyone getting “hangry” (please god help us all) either. Do not get your family dressed in their photo clothes until after they have eaten and brushed their teeth. This will prevent spills and other messy accidents. OK, Real Talk Time- Kids are messy and don’t think about keeping themselves “clean”. My teen will still use his shirt for a napkin… I find that it is sometimes just easier to dress at the shoot or even wear onesie pajamas over clothes just to be safe.

6.) If you have young children, avoid any colored drinks the day of the session until after we are finished (I mean Kool-aid mustaches are cool. I get it but you probably don’t want them in a frame on your wall all year). Also, get them to wear a bib or drop cloth if they drink anything (or drool) on the way to the session to save their shirts from wet spots or stains. 


7.) Once you get to the session, Relax! Seriously, if you are stressed it generally overflows into your children and their behaviors. I need you to be cool as a cucumber and trust that I will guide your family through the session. Also if you have set a bribe, please let me know so I can use that throughout the session if children get restless.

With a little bit of preparation before a session you can make a world of difference in the experience you have the day of your session. Remember why you booked your session. You LOVE your family!! Your partner and children are the most important people in your life and you cherish the moments you have with them and at the end of the day, all you have to do is relax, have fun and trust your photographer - know that I will take care of things and will deliver amazing photos of your family!

Can't wait to see you soon for your close-ups!