What is Personal Branding?

We as humans crave relationships with people. We are no longer happy simply giving the cheapest vendor our money. We want to know the person(s) behind the business. Who sells these goods and services? Successful entrepreneurs understand the power of personal marketing relations and turn to photographers to help them relate and establish their brands.

So here's the problem-you pull up and swipe through your social media and all you see are the same 10 to 15 photos you've been using for quite a while now. Now these may be nice photos, but they are all from multiple sources, the lighting is inconsistent, the editing is mismatched, there is no consistency, which means that your brand is inconsistent visually. It is a patchwork of duct-taped images and you realize what was good enough is now no longer working. It's time to step up and take professional pictures to help you tell your brand story consistently and serve your customers.

Your personal brand is what sets you apart from all the others it's what makes you unique. Your personal brand is the experience that you create for your customers and followers. It is what will catch their eye when they are scrolling through Instagram and will make them stop when they pause in front of your shop. Your images are the first impression you make on your customers, they should be remarkable and convey the message or experience you want your customer to experience when they think of your brand.

Is a Personal Branding Session something I really need?

YES! A personal branding session is more than just headshots on solid colored backgrounds. Together we will tell YOUR story. The story of your business and the people behind it because that is what your customers want to see, real people. They want to relate to you and find similarities. Science has even proven this! Psychology Today writes that a person is more likely to be attracted to someone similar in every way possible. “Likeness attracts likeness. It's actually a myth that opposites attract.”

 The more honest and genuine the connection in your images the better your audience will respond. Let this be your time to shine as the capable business owner you are. Own it, girl! 

It shows when you are passionate about what you are doing! It's in your attention to your art, your willingness to conquer challenges, and your enthusiasm for your customer which drives you to produce the best service or product. Your images can be used on anything from business cards, website,s or social media. Need to run a Facebook Ad? BOOM! You have the perfect image to use. Your images are your identity, how the world will see you and we all know first impressions are always important!

female entrepreneur, business woman, African American woman

OK, so when should I schedule?

I am so excited you realize what a valuable tool Personal Branding is for your business! So what is the next step? When does one “book” a branding session? Well as soon as you start a business is the best choice but basically anytime! I have worked with clients who are just starting their journeys as entrepreneurs and others who have been killing it forever! There is never a wrong time to invest in a Personal Branding Session. 

Something to keep in mind when thinking about your session is the mood and style of your brand. You want a photographer who can match your style and help tell the true story of your brand. Having a strong foundation of content on your website and social platforms can definitely boost your business authenticity and give your customers the trust they need to hire you within seconds of visiting your website or media. Updating website and social media imagery every 6 months to a year is the new standard for brands. Many of my clients like to shoot multiple mini-sessions a year to accommodate product launches, seasonal items, sales promotions, new staff, or rebranding within their business. Professional personal brand photography matched with authentic and honest snapshots of your daily life help paint a full picture of who you are as a business owner and human being. This is what will resonate with your audience.

What happens once I book my session?

A branding session is intended to help elevate your business game. Think about some of your favorite stores — Target, Anthropologie, or Pottery Barn. Each of these businesses has a very distinct vibe, right? In the same way, the goal of your session is to narrow in on your current or target aesthetic and share it with the world through your website, social media, email marketing, and more!  

Once you book your session we will work together to ensure your session goes smoothly and that your images demonstrate who you are. Thru a combination of questionnaires and consultations, I will begin to gather information about you and your business and build your session storyline. During our consultations, we will cover things like brand vision, wardrobe, location, poses, and lots more. I guarantee by the time your session is here you will be eager and ready!

That said, here are three examples of topics we will discuss as we prepare for your own personal branding session: 

Props That Represent Your Business 

We won’t use a prop for every photo, but if your business involves certain tools or products then it’s ideal to include them in some images. For example, if you’re a photographer you’d want to bring a camera, if you’re a jewelry designer then wear your favorite pieces, if you’re a winemaker bring a few bottles and a nice glass.

Brainstorm Locations That Fit Your Business and Personality 

Most likely we’ll want to get a mix of neutral locations and then a space that represents your business. If you’re a restauranteur, images at your restaurant would be perfect. If you’re a potter, we’ll want to shoot at your studio. If your career is less nuanced, then neutral locations will be great. 

Think About Your Personal Style 

For personal branding images, we really want to pinpoint your personal style. If you’re a florist or a boutique owner, you’ll probably want to opt for a slightly elevated casual look. If you’re the founder of a high-tech smartphone app, then maybe a well-tailored a-line power dress is better. I will work with you to help figure out the perfect outfit!


Many of my clients express how nervous or concerned they are with scheduling a session. If I had a nickel for every time a client told me they are too awkward to photograph, I could buy Starbucks for a month! But seriously, I guarantee we will get thru this together! I will hold your hand the entire way girl, I got you!

As a small business owner, I understand the importance of the investment you are making and it is my goal to help you overcome being camera shyness and help your confidence grow so that the powerful, successful businesswoman you are shines thru!

woman on counter drink a shake, female business owner, mother, young woman, personal branding session, personal branding

Ready to Up-Level Your Business?

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Let's get together and chat about your brand.